
2018年11月18日 16:39  点击:[]










Specialty Instruction

Specialty of Biological Science

The biological science specialty was set up in 1960. It belongs to the undergraduate specialty of Biological Science in the discipline of science, and is the brand specialty of Shandong province. In order to adapt to the needs of socialist modernization in China, this specialty has the overall development of morality, intelligence and corporeity. It has the basic theories and skills of modern biological science. It also has broad knowledge, strong ability, innovative spirit, modern educational ideas and teaching skills, and graduates can fit for works of scientific research, teaching and management in research institutions, colleges and universities and enterprises.

Specialty of Environmental Science

The environmental science specialty was set up in 2002. This specialty belongs to the discipline of science in environmental science and engineering. It has the basic theory, basic knowledge and skills of environmental science, basic research, and basic training of application research and environmental management in the system of environmental science. It has strong practical and innovative ability. Graduates are training for the administrative departments of environmental protection, planning, scientific research institutions, colleges and universities and mining enterprises, and engaged in fields of planning, design, environmental protection and environmental management, education and research and development of applied composite high-level expertise.

Specialty of Bioengineering

The bioengineering specialty was set up in 2003 and was selected as the national comprehensive reform project of "undergraduate teaching project" in 2013. There are 2 directions of this specialty, known as medical technology and food technology. This specialty belongs to undergraduate course of Biological Science in engineering discipline. The specialty is to develop the comprehensive development of moral and intellectual beauty, adapt to the market economy system and the needs of reform and opening up, grasp the basic theories and skills of the scientific principles of biotechnology and its industrialization, technological process and engineering design. Graduates can work in production or new products development in the fields of health products, pharmaceuticals, food, and environmental protection, raw and chemical industry and so on. Graduates are training to be advanced applied technology talents of new technology research and development, quality inspection and enterprise management.

